Last Pup

Today we closed another chapter.

Since November 2020, raising puppies has been a huge part of our life. We love our Bear Boy and Birdie Girl so much, and we knew their puppies would bring joy to so many other families.

And they have.

Over the past three years, (how can I only have been three years!?) Birdie has had five healthy litters of puppies. A grand total of 46 to be exact.

What a ride. From awkwardly hilarious dogs in panties to the awkwardly AWKWARD health/reproductive “teaching opportunities” with our kids.

From weeks sleeping on the floor and round the clock bottle-feeding newborn pups to hourly poop patrol, designing and redesigning kennel setups, incessant laundry, and countless puppy baths, CCA to hours upon hours upon HOURS spent photographing and marketing.

It’s been a labor of love.

We have been smitten with every single litter. The first 11 (eleven!!) we named: Disney princesses for all the girls and Ninja Turtles for the boys. But we quickly found that the names made it harder to let them go. So from then on out, it was strictly by color-coded collars: Red Boy, Yellow Boy, Pink Girl, Purple Girl, etc…. Each of us always has our favorite, the one the kids secretly hope doesn’t sell and MAYBE they’d get to keep.

We have seen 45 happy families (only 45, because one couple actually got two pups!) fall in love with their new babies.

We receive pictures and updates as they grow. A couple dogs live in travel trailers across the country, and one spends most of his time on a fishing boat. We have dogs in Texas, Georgia, Arkansas, Wyoming, Illinois, and one on the mission field in Guyana.

And from this final litter, one pup stayed in the family – Colton’s new “son,” Rip (my grand-dog).

Saying goodbye to the very last puppy today hit surprisingly hard. I definitely was not prepared for the flood of emotions as I blinked back unexpected tears.

I’m thankful for all the people we have met and the joy we have seen on so many faces, young and old. It’s been an awesome journey, and I’m (mostly) sad to see it end.

Maybe it seems trivial to spend so much time reflecting on and thanking God for this tiny little fragment of my life. But I am more and more convinced that all of it, however insignificant it may seem, ALL OF IT matters to the heart of our Father. He loves His children, and He loves us well. Not a drop of rain falls upon us that has not been sifted through His hand. He is as faithful on the grandest mountaintop moments as He is in the smallest everyday details. And it’s only right to give Him the thanks that He is due.

So thanks for giving thanks with me.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)

“give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

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