I Thank God

I am thankful:

~ for a beautiful fall. Texas isn’t known for colorful autumn foliage, but I think it’s splendid around here myself! These views just don’t get old.

~ for rain. I really love the rain, especially listening to it on the metal casita roof.

~ for a fun night for the girls at their first Homecoming Barn Dance. Aren’t they lovely?

~ for a productive Gold Network ETX Board meeting. The men and women on our Board are truly a gift to me, each one bringing unique perspective and talent to the table. So thankful for friends who share the vision!

~ for my hardworking kids. I’m so proud of how much they have learned since we’ve bought the farm. They have learned to use most tools, many of them completely independently. This week they helped Dad replace a pump on the pond fountain, build a cover for the pump, and hang more finish trim on the barn. They never cease to amaze me.

~ for days when homework looks like this.

~ for sweet Birdie recovering from her spay surgery. No more puppies for this mama. Also, sometimes my kids are strange.

~ for a tasty steak dinner and a date with my sweetheart. Love that we are still dating after 25 years.

My pastor said something in his sermon this morning that I immediately wrote down. I’m sure I’ve heard it before, but today it just really resonated in my heart.

“That’s how He found me, but that’s not how He left me.”

I think of the condition I was in when I found the Lord. WHAT A MESS! Lost, lonely, disillusioned, aimless. Equal parts ashamed and afraid. I was no good to nobody.

But God.

My girls have a favorite song that they learned at Pine Cove camp over the summer. It’s one of those songs that has a pounding beat that gets right into your pulse, and the lyrics make you want to SHOUT.

“He picked me up, He turned me around
He placed my feet on solid ground
I thank the Master, I thank the Savior
Because He healed my heart
He changed my name
Forever free, I’m not the same
I Thank the Master, I Thank the Savior
I thank God”

(Check out the full song here.)

Tonight I’m just filled with gratitude to my loving, redemptive Father who met me in my mess.

“That’s how He found me, but that’s not how He left me.“

Thanks for giving thanks with me.

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him.” (Psalms 40:1-3)

“I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 11:19)

One thought on “I Thank God

  1. Your quote reminds me of the song “This is Amazing Grace” – can’t sing it without crying. I also found an old hymn called “Praise My Soul the King of Heaven” – the line that grabbed me is “Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven – evermore His praises sing.” So proud of your kids and how much they are learning and growing at the farm.


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